Lone Hass
20+ years’ experience from C-level and Executive positions in complex, international companies. 15 years’ experience as non-executive director.
- Scaling during growth and M&A activities
- Develop and execute strategy
- Embed sustainability and ESG in business model
- Risk and crisis management
It is my ambition that the Board of Directors adds value, takes a long-term and holistic perspective on the challenges and opportunities of the company and acts as a motivating sparring partner for management.
- CBS Board Leadership Program, CBS Executive, 2021
- PWC Bestyrelsesuddannelse, 2009
- Elindco A/S, bestyrelsesmedlem, 2024-
- Andel a.m.b.a, næstformand, 2024-
- Andel a.m.b.a., bestyrelsesmedlem, 2023-2024
- Mouritsen A/S, bestyrelsesforperson, 2023-
- Scantago A/S, bestyrelsesleder, 2023-
- Andel a.m.b.a., medlem af repræsentantskabet, 2022-
- Avollon AS, Advisory board medlem, 2019-
- CBS Copenhagen, MBA Advisory Board medlem 2016-
- Northern Industries A/S, bestyrelsesformand,
2021-2024 - CSA Stone ivs, Advisory board medlem, 2021-2022
- Airteam A/S, Bestyrelsesmedlem, 2016-2019
- RH Arkitekter A/S, Bestyrelsesformand, 2015-2016
- SiriusPartner A/S, Bestyrelsesformand, 2013-2016
- DEA Tænketanken, Bestyrelsesmedlem, 2010-2013
- FBE Forum for Business Education, Bestyrelsesmedlem, 2008-2010
- SiriusPartner A/S, Bestyrelsesformand, 2005-2009
Strategiske kompetencer
- ESG / Bæredygtighed
- Innovation / Forretningsudvikling
- Internationalisering
- Økonomi / Risikostyring
- Strategi- og ledelsesudvikling
- Bygge og anlæg
- Industri og produktion
- Landbrug og fødevarer
- Lifescience og healthcare
- Service og rådgivning